Back to list of authorsRychlík Jan1916–1964 Instrumentation - Any -English horn-English horn soloHarpsichord-Harpsichord soloWind instrumentsWind instruments and pianoString orchestraSolo voice-Duet with accompaniment Sheet music for sale Sheet music for hire African Cycle for 8 wind instruments and piano / Africký cyklus pro 8 dechových nástrojů a klavírperforming material for hireDetails Wind Quintet / Dechový kvintetperforming material for hireDetails Etudes for the English Horn and Piano / Etudy pro anglický rohteaching mat.-parts and scoreDetails Hommaggi gravicembalistici per cembalo / Hommaggi gravicembalistici per cembaloDetails South Bohemian Songs / Jihočeské písně a písničkyparts and scoreDetails Chamber Suite / Komorní suitaperforming material for hireDetails